What Type of Pool Needs the Least Maintenance?
When you are considering installing a pool, you won’t get too far into the research to find that there are many different types of pools you can choose from. That brings the question of which pool type will need the least maintenance so that you and your family can enjoy more time in the clear water? This makes you look even closer at the situation Some pools are easier to maintain than others.
Deciding on the Pool Type that is Right for You
The things to look at in different pool types is the finish on the interior and its durability. This goes a long way into determining how much maintenance will be needed. What you are looking for is a low maintenance pool that still has the ascetic value that you want.
Pool Maintenance by Pool Type
There are three main types of pools: Concrete, vinyl and fiberglass. Of these types, concrete pools need the most constant maintenance. This can become expensive at approximately $27,400 over a 10-year span. Pools with vinyl liners need less maintenance coming in at approximately $11,500 over a 10-year period. Lastly, fiberglass pools require the least amount of regular maintenance. Typically, it costs around $3,750 to maintain the pool over 10 years. Looking at these numbers, it may seem simple to choose the low maintenance pool for you and your family. However, each of these pool types has both advantages and disadvantages.
Maintaining a Concrete Pool
This type of pool requires the most regular maintenance. This includes balancing the water chemistry, occasional refinishing, acid washing and using a steel brush to clean on a weekly basis. It should also be noted that algae grows quickly and reappears just as fast. To combat this, cycle the filter system twice a day.
Maintaining a Vinyl Lined Pool
While vinyl lined pools need less maintenance than concrete ones, they do still need to be cared for regularly. The water chemistry still needs to be maintained regularly. Liner leaks do occur so sometimes that liner needs to be replaced. In areas where the circulation doesn’t particularly reach, such as seams or around steps, algae can grow. The pool’s filter system needs to operate at least once a day.
Further Discussion About Liner Leaks
The liners on vinyl pools are very thin. It has measured to be about the thickness of 10 sheets of paper. This makes them vulnerable to punctures. If they are punctured, they can leak. Sometimes, the punctures can be very small and difficult to locate and repair. One step pool installers take is to install a metal wall behind the liner. On another note, if the pool becomes cloudy or dirty looking, it will only take a few days to clear up with maintenance. The recovery of clear pool water is much faster than concrete pools.
Maintaining a Fiberglass Pool
Fiberglass pools are considered the type of pool that needs the least amount of regular maintenance. The water chemistry still needs to be checked and balanced. Algae presents less of a problem on a regular basis. The pool’s filter system still needs to circulate at least once a day.
It’s important to note that if the pool is regularly maintained, there is most likely not going to be a need to refinish the fiberglass shell. This demonstrates its durability over time.
What Does it Cost to Maintain a Pool?
Costs vary based on the type of pool. Also affecting the cost is the frequency of maintenance that the pool needs. That means that there are several factors in determining the cost of maintaining a pool’s integrity and its water quality. This can include the quality of maintenance that the pool receives, the type of pool, and where the pool is located
Concrete Pool Maintenance Costs
Concrete pools require regular maintenance. This can include acid washing and the occasional refinishing. Typically, a concrete pool needs to be acid washed every three to five years for approximately $450. Every 10-15 years, the pool will need to be refinished. This can cost up to $10,000. Factored into the maintenance costs are the chemicals and electricity to run the pool filtration system frequently. This brings a figure of approximately $27,500 over a 10-year period.
Cost to Maintain a Vinyl Liner Pool
While a pool with a vinyl liner is not as expensive to maintain, there are still costs involved. Vinyl liners never have to acid washed but the liner does need to be brushed to remove dirt and any alga buildup. There is still the need for the filtration system to run once a day. However, due to the makeup of the liner, chemicals don’t interact with it. This lowers your maintenance costs by about $300 a year. The most significant cost involved will be replacing the liner every five to nine years depending on use. This amounts to about $4,500. Overall, it’s about $11,500 to maintain a vinyl pool over 10 years.
Cost to Maintain a Fiberglass Pool
Fiberglass pools require the least amount of maintenance, so the real costs are chemicals to maintain water quality and the energy for the filter and pump system. This averages around $200 a year. This brings the 10-year maintenance costs to around $3,750.In the end, you can choose the type of pool that you are most interested in. However, you need to understand the costs involved in swimming pool maintenance over time. Factors such as refinishing, regular maintenance, chemicals, and electricity costs to keep the filtration system operating properly should all play a role in you decision making.