Volume Master: The Extension That Lets You Control Your Audio

Volume Master is an extension designed to give you audio control over every website you visit. It’s a neat trick that makes your life easier and more convenient, giving you the power to turn down or up the volume of any site you visit on the fly, without requiring that you download any extra software or install any apps. Plus, it works with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera, so you can use it on just about any PC you have access to. This article will cover everything you need to know about Volume Master and how it can help improve your online browsing experience.

Why you need a volume master

When we switch from one place to another, there are certain settings that we need to set up again. For example, your volume will always be different when you’re outside compared to inside your room or at school compared to home. This is a problem and can lead to hearing loss. That’s why we created Volume Master extension for Chrome that lets you control your audio setting no matter where you are and it works perfectly with any website so whether you’re shopping on Amazon or watching a movie on Netflix, Volume Master makes sure you won’t ever have to turn up your volume too high. If you like Volume Master as much as we do, feel free to give us a 5-star rating in Chrome Web Store! 😉

How it works

Volume Master makes it easy to control all of your audio from one convenient place. With Volume Master, you can set custom volume levels for your music and videos with individual controls for each song or video. So, if you want to turn down a song that’s too loud and then turn up another without skipping a beat, Volume Master makes it possible. This extension will even fade out music when you start playing a new song so that it never interrupts an important conversation or meeting. It’s simple to use—just set your volume limits and let Volume Master do its magic! After giving yourself some breathing room with custom controls, check out our Notifications Feature below.

Who uses Volume Master

A lot of people don’t realize how much background noise affects their ability to enjoy a good movie or television show. Music that is too loud can be jarring, even if it’s coming from your earbuds instead of your speakers. So what if you could control all of your audio with one extension? Now you can, and Volume Master makes it easy by offering a full suite of customizable audio controls right in your browser. It’s perfect for anyone who enjoys streaming their music or watching videos online but hates when sites start blasting sound at them without warning! With Volume Master, you have instant access to volume controls and options for muting sounds at any time.

How To Use It?

Volume Master is a pretty simple extension, that has two modes. One of these modes allows you to control your computer’s volume settings with either an overlay on your screen or using a slider. Personally, I use an external sound system that isn’t really compatible with Volume Master, but it works very well if you want to change it via keyboard shortcuts. For example, hit Ctrl + 0 and it will change your sound settings to 50%. Or you can switch off speakers entirely by hitting Ctrl + Alt + 0. It doesn’t quite work on every system (for example I’m not able to use my internal speaker for some reason), but in general it seems to be working perfectly fine on Windows 7 systems and above.

Is There Anything Else I Should Know?

While any user can download and use Volume Master on their computer, there are a few additional features that you’ll need to purchase. When you do, you’ll be able to use Volume Master for your web-based audio as well as your computer-based audio. In order to move seamlessly between all of these different types of listening experiences, Volume Master will store its settings so that you don’t have to tweak them over and over again. This means that if you like listening at work in a quiet room but then want it loud while doing chores around your house or while commuting on public transportation, Volume Master will make sure it sounds just right no matter where you are!

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