Tips to do every day and lose cellulite

In theory, cellulite results from a retention of fluids, proteins and toxins motivated by poor blood circulation and hormonal and enzymatic changes. However, the fat mass is almost always the great accomplice, since it is in this area that cellulite takes shelter.

Yes, hormonal changes, caused by puberty, pregnancy, pills and even medication and supplementation may be related to their appearance.

However, the truth is that food also has an influence (and a lot). But not only: there are small daily acts that can intensify the problem. Besides losing cellulite, you can have a look at best squat proof leggings to hide cellulite.

Today, we have some tips to do every day and lose cellulite. Let us get started!

Massage your legs from the bottom up

First of all, don’t forget to moisturize your skin well with moisturizing cream, while doing a circular massage – “the massage will activate the circulation, making the blood circulate better, which reduces the“ orange peel ”aspect More: the moisturizer helps to give elasticity and tone to the skin.

You should also massage your legs from the bottom up daily. In addition, putting your legs up for five to ten minutes before going to bed can also have immense benefits. This allows to activate the circulation towards the heart, avoiding that feeling of swollen, heavy legs and with varicose veins. In this way, circulation is done in the normal direction and avoids the accumulation of fat nodules

Forget foods high in salt and sugar

The time has come: you will really have to avoid foods rich in salt. Because? Because they are the ones that cause greater fluid retention, which is one of the main causes of the appearance of cellulite.

Foods high in sugar and refined flours also have to be off the list, as “when they are consumed in large quantities they are accumulated in the form of fat”.

Include more fiber in your diet

“Including fibers in the diet fights constipation, which worsens cellulite, and even improves bowel function,” he explained. This is because intestinal malfunction is reflected in problems of lymphatic circulation, which are related to the skin and cellulite. Come on, it costs nothing and can make a huge difference.

Don’t forget about antioxidant foods

One of the main causes of cellulite is also free radicals, which are formed due to exposure to the sun, smoke, poor diet and even stress. How do you fight that? With antioxidant foods , which in addition to being friendly to the body, leave the body more protected from diseases. 

Although the body naturally produces antioxidants , there are also several foods that can help. In fact, the raw consumption of foods such as vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and citrus fruits, is more beneficial for the absorption of antioxidants.


I believe that there is nothing more to help you reduce cellulite but these are some of the best tips that you can follow to lose cellulite. If you have any other queries or concerns then let us know via the comment section..

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