Frozen Shoulder: All you need to know about

What is a frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder most often occurs between the ages of 40 and 60 and is characterized by adhesions or induration of the joint capsule. Also, the process may involve muscles in the shoulder joint.

“Frozen shoulder” can also occur with rheumatism, osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain, and repeated trauma to the soft tissues around the shoulder joint. The disease is chronic and requires complex and sometimes rather long-term treatment. Long-term mobility limitations take longer to regain mobility. The good news is that with proper treatment, this condition can be treated properly.

Signs and symptoms

The very first symptom of a frozen shoulder is shoulder pain. The pain usually worsens at night. If not treated, this shoulder pain can occur during the daytime. Gradually, the shoulder becomes less mobile up to the impossibility of passive movements. In everyday life, patients complain of cutting pains in the shoulder when washing and dressing, when trying to raise their arm above their head, including when pulling out the seat belt.

Frozen shoulder will go away on its own over time, but it can take up to three years, and most people will recover almost completely from their shoulder joint.

Risk factors and causes

Frozen shoulder syndrome usually results from (secondary) trauma. Rheumatic diseases, infections, inflammation, or osteoarthritis can also lead to frozen shoulder syndrome. In particular, prolonged immobilization of the shoulder joint after surgery or accidents can trigger frozen shoulder syndrome.r

The exact causes of frozen shoulder are unknown. A number of doctors believe that diseases such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism are risk factors.


In some cases, it is very important to immobilize the shoulder after injury or surgery, which is a risk factor. For this, you can carry out exercise therapy exercises. In this case, you should always consult with the best orthopaedic doctor in Gurgaon and get his permission to perform this or that movement.

Early mobilization is the prevention of a frozen shoulder. Physiological biomechanics, including correct posture, is also a method for preventing frozen shoulder. Be gentle with your joints when doing physical activity. Also, avoid unilateral stress at work or during sports. If you are suffering from a frozen shoulder, see your doctor for proper treatment today or book your appointment with the best hospital in Gurgaon for your joint problems.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Currently, the most pathogenetically grounded method of treating frozen shoulder or shoulder pain is shock wave therapy (or UHT). The method can be used both independently and in combination with vascular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotective, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage, etc. During the treatment sessions, a quick clinical effect is achieved in the form of eliminating pain syndrome, increasing shoulder mobility. UHT in most cases allows you to completely remove the inflammatory process and stop the progression of the disease due to the following effects:

  • improvement of blood circulation in muscles, tendons and other tissues surrounding the shoulder joint, due to which metabolic and trophic processes in the joint itself are normalized.
  • reduction of local edema, which helps to increase the mobility of the shoulder joint.
  • acceleration of regeneration (restoration) of soft tissues.
  • destruction of deposits of calcium salts (calcifications), which are formed during a long course of the disease in the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

The UHT course includes 5-10 procedures with an interval of 5-14 days. Patients feel the positive effect of the treatment already after 2-3 procedures. The duration of the procedure depends on the severity of the disease and the number of affected parts but usually does not exceed 60 minutes.

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