Disneyplus.com login/begin – Enter the 8 digit TV Code
Before you begin using Disney plus, it’s important to enter the 8-digit TV code on your account. On the disneyplus website (which we’ll show you here!). For this, go to the home page and click on setup or sign in. Once here, enter your login information and password, then click on LOG IN. Once this step is complete, it’s time to enter your TV code! Now click on Watch Now. Finally, enter the first 5 digits of your TV code as shown in the image below.
Setting Up
The Disney Plus website is easy to navigate and straightforward when it comes to setting up a new account. The first thing you need to do is provide your email address, phone number, and zip code. After that, you will be asked for your name, birthdate, and gender. You will also need to create a password and confirm it for future use with Disney Plus before entering in any credit card. Information or billing info on the site. Once that’s done, you’ll see an account successfully created screen congratulating you on your new account setup!
Logging In
At Disney, we offer movies and shows to watch on your computer or TV with Disney+. At home, or on-the-go with a mobile device.
1) To get started. You will need to create a Disney account by clicking ‘Sign Up’ in the upper right corner of this page and creating a username and password. 2) Enter your email address and choose whether you want to sign up for an existing account or create a new one. 3) Confirm that all of your information is correct before submitting it.
What Do I Watch Now?
If you are looking for a new show to start watching, there are plenty of choices on Disneyplus. The first season of Marvel’s. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is available now and will be followed by the second season in 2020. So you’ll have plenty to watch over the next year! If those don’t interest you, then try Netflix’s Wet Hot American Summer:. First Day of Camp or Amazon Prime Video’s Man in High Castle (season 3). Or for something older that still holds up today, check out Jaws which is available on Amazon Prime Video.
Create an Account Section
When you sign up for Disney+. You’ll need to enter your Disney+ TV code and create an account with a password. You can also add other members of your family to your account if they live in the same household and have a Disney+ TV code. Once you’ve created an account. You can set up automatic renewal for monthly billing or choose to pay for one year of service at a time. Then cancel after that period is over. Continue reading by clicking on Your Home Page on the upper left hand side of the page where it says. Account followed by Manage Your Account. This will show all of your personal information so that you can make any changes necessary. As well as manage any subscriptions or services that may be associated with your account.
Where Is My Stuff?
If you have not already logged in, enter your username and password on the homepage to start your Disney+ experience. Once logged in, you will be taken to a page with a list of options for content that is available to stream right now. You can also use this page to navigate to other areas of the app such as Movies, Shows, or Games & Apps by using the tabs at the top of the screen. The Apps section includes games like Marvel Avengers Academy and Iron Man Rivalries;. Apps like Disney Life, which allows members to purchase select products from their favorite Disney movies and television shows; and create-your-own-adventures with Disney Playlist Maker!
Disney On Demand Section
The first step in using Disney On Demand is to enter your eight digit television code from your remote control by typing it into the space on the screen and pressing Ok. You will be then prompted for you User ID, Password and Zip Code. If you already have an account with Disney, simply use your current username and password; if not, press Create Account and follow through on creating a new account. Once you enter these security measures, a link to create or sign in with an existing account will appear at the top of the page along with four popular movies as recommended content to watch.
How Can I Register My Device?
You can register your device in one of three ways: 1) You can log into Disney+ using your TV code, 2) You can text register to 62476 with your serial number, 3) You can call Disney+ customer service at 1-833-DISNEY6.
To find your serial number, go to Settings on the device, scroll down to About This Phone, and look for the letter and numerical code that starts with IMEI. The IMEI is a 15-digit identifier that will always start with either 3 or 4 characters (i.e., *6).
Where Can I Get Help if I Have Problems?
There are quite a few places where you can get help with your Disneyplus account, though you might want to contact customer service first to ensure they have enough information to assist you. First, try navigating on the site and clicking on links that say Contact Us or other FAQs; this will allow you to have quick answers if it is something you haven’t been able to find yourself or clear up any confusion about what is happening with your account. For example, one such FAQ would be about your favorite channels appearing in a different order than when you last logged in due to our recent channel promotion—here is an answer from Customer Service: We apologize for the inconvenience! This has been resolved and should now show in chronological order.