Craigslist Chicago: How to Find the Best Deals on Craigslist

Craigslist is one of the greatest tools in the history of online classifieds, but it’s not without its problems. How do you find the best deals? How do you avoid scams and fraud? How do you save time sorting through everything? This comprehensive guide to Craigslist Chicago will teach you all of these things and more, so you can get back to saving money on whatever it is you need to buy or sell.


There are over 300 Craigslist sites across North America, but only a handful contain significant deals. You’ll want to use Craigslist Chicago for your searches (there’s no such thing as Craigslist Denver). If you do need a list of other cities with Craigslist sites, however, you can check out Craigslist Classifieds by City. Search each city individually and you should see what you need in no time.

User Filters

If you’re trying to buy or sell a specific item, it may be worth using Craigslist’s search tools. If you search craigslist chicago furniture, for example, Craigslist will return listings of other posts related to furniture (that didn’t necessarily use that exact phrase) in an attempt to better match your needs. The result is often more relevant than searching a single word like furniture.

Filtering by Type

The search results page is organized by category, but you can filter results further by type. This can be really helpful if you’re looking for something specific, like craigslist chicago furniture or craigslist chicago jobs. Craigslist gives you four options when filtering by type—All Categories, All Listings, All Regional Areas, and Categories I Select. There are also city-specific listings when you’re browsing regional areas. Let’s start with an example of how to find a job in a specific field or location in chicago.

Downloading Listings

You can’t search for or download Craigslist’s vast listing of jobs, apartments, for-sale items and other classified ads from a single site. Instead, you’ll have to find a Craigslist site that covers your city or area of interest. As with any major website, each Craigslist community has its own URL and is known as a site. Each city’s site has its own look and feel as well as different ads. Before searching craigslist chicago , find out if there is more than one site. If so, what are they? These are all important things to know before posting anything. Posting your ad in multiple sites will increase your chances of getting picked up by interested people in your area!

Negotiating the Deal

Be aggressive! Be assertive! Be a ballbuster! If you’re looking for that super-cheap deal—whether it’s furniture, an iPhone or your rent—be sure to negotiate. While you might feel uncomfortable asking for more money or trying to haggle with someone over price, remember that someone else is always willing and able to take your place. In fact, many professional buyers make a living off of negotiating great deals. Plus, when (and if) they do agree to your offer, they’ll see you as savvy and they may be more likely to give you good customer service in general.

Don’t Forget Your Safety First

Don’t forget, you’re dealing with real people. It’s important that you protect yourself while conducting Craigslist transactions. Many scammers will want payment through a wire transfer or Western Union; money orders are good too if they can be tracked. Never send cash and be sure to check out seller reviews before committing to anything major—and don’t forget to confirm an item as legit with a friend who owns one of those craigslist chicago products!

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